About Us

About SemiColon


After working in the corporate world as a professional web designer and a multi-media specialist, Roger Janik began his own business. He wanted a company based on solid principles, good work ethics, and superior customer service. So, in January 2005, Semi Colon, Inc. was officially launched as primarily a web and print design company. With the luck of fate the direction began to shift after several clients expressed an interest in search engine optimization (up SEARCH™ for SEO). Thereafter, Semi Colon got hyper-focused on SEO while also extending our services, adding social media marketing and pay-per-click advertising.

Many people have brilliant ideas but never act on them. The story of how Semi Colon. Inc became one of the best web marketing companies in operation today is what happens when someone has a brilliant idea and combines hard work and determination in order to make it happen. It’s the story of how skill and talent can be used to build a strong foundation of unlimited opportunities.

Fresh Ideas for Every

Web Development

A developer is someone who writes computer code to create websites, applications, software, games, or computer systems.

Digital Marketing

Any digital channels by a business or company to market or promote products and services to consumers are referred to as digital marketing. 

SEO Consultancy

An SEO consultant helps businesses improve their websites’ ranking in search engine results. An SEO consultant’s goal is to make it easier for potential clients to find you, 

Hosting Solution

These Web Hosting Articles can help you understand basics of web hosting, designing and Internet marketing. They can help you find out which type of hosting solutions are right for you

Graphic Designing

graphic design, the art and profession of selecting and arranging visual elements—such as typography, images, symbols, and colors—to convey a message to an audience. 

Custom Support

In addition to the functions mentioned, customer support’s objective is to listen to general customer concerns and address company questions, 

Fresh Ideas for Every

<h3 style="color:#0017DD">Marketing</h3>
Creativity is the most important part of the web designing process and ideas forms and integral part of it.
<h3 style="color:#E45D11">Guaranteed Success </h3>
You must be wondering. What are the aims we follow what exactly you will get. Our mission is to fill the gap in the educational system and assist learners to get through the difficulty.
<h3 style="color:#08D524">SEO Optimization</h3>
To get visitor a website needs to be adapted to the search engines which use priority ranking for relevant keywords.
Why Choose us

Save Time & Effort
With the SemiColon

Girst Working Process

For startups and growing businesses, an online specialist can develop a digital marketing plan to help you grow.

Dedicated Team Member

Your digital consultant will also be able to kickstart campaigns and maximize your marketing budget.

24/7 Hours Support

Demand for 24/7 support is almost certainly going to come as your business becomes successful-scaling up beyond its initial audiences and markets

Overall, the growth of Semi Colon, Inc. is attributed to the company’s ability to deliver true benefits such as higher visibility on the top search engines (Google, Yahoo and Bing) and excellent customer service. Our persistent drive to contribute to the community is another reason for our success.

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